Am I Psycho?

Gurpreet Kait
3 min readMay 28, 2024


Since the beginning of my life, I never had a social connection. I usually felt an overwhelming sense of fear whenever I had to go to school. I knew that certain people were going to bring me trouble because they used to bully me. In my school days, I was never lucky enough to have my own things or set my own standards. I was unlucky in that regard and never had real friends in school. I don’t remember anybody I spent enough time with to create lasting memories.

As a result, I became who I am today — an introverted child who was never open to anyone. I started talking to myself, not because I was losing my mind, but because it was the only way to express my thoughts and feelings.

Photo by Liza Polyanskaya on Unsplash

Finding Solace in Solitude

Talking to myself became a coping mechanism. When you’re constantly surrounded by people who don’t understand you or who make you feel inferior, your mind becomes your sanctuary. I found solace in these one-sided conversations. They became a way to process my thoughts, analyze my feelings, and navigate the challenges I faced.

The World Through an Introvert’s Eyes

Being an introvert in a world that celebrates extroversion is tough. People often misunderstand us. They think we are shy, antisocial, or even rude. But the truth is, introverts are deep thinkers. We observe, analyze, and understand things on a level that many people overlook. This depth of thought often leads us to have rich inner lives, where talking to ourselves feels natural.

Breaking the Stigma

There’s a stigma attached to talking to oneself. People often label it as “crazy” or “psycho.” But let’s break that misconception. Talking to yourself is a sign of intelligence. It helps you clarify your thoughts, make decisions, and understand yourself better. It’s a healthy way to process emotions and thoughts, especially when you don’t have someone to share them with.

Embracing My Reality

I’ve come to embrace my reality. Growing up, I may not have had a traditional social life, but that doesn’t make me any less valuable. My experiences shaped me into a thoughtful, reflective person. Talking to myself is part of who I am, and I wouldn’t change it for the world.

To Those Who Feel the Same

If you’ve ever felt like I do, know that you’re not alone. Many people talk to themselves for various reasons. The very weird thing is that sometimes I used to chat with myself just to clear things in my mind because I never had someone who I can share It with. Till now I only have one friend luckily. I can share all of these things with. It’s a way to stay sane in an often chaotic world. Embrace it. Use it as a tool to better understand yourself. You’re not psycho. You’re just navigating life in your own unique way.


Life hasn’t always been easy, and I’ve had my fair share of challenges. But through it all, I’ve learned to accept and appreciate who I am. Talking to myself is not a sign of weakness or insanity. It’s a testament to my resilience and my ability to find strength within. So, the next time someone asks, “Am I psycho cause I talk to myself?” remember that it’s okay. It’s more than okay. It’s a part of the journey to understanding and embracing your true self.

