Are We Happy?

Gurpreet Kait
2 min readMay 28, 2024


This is the question that came to my mind when I was doing some research on what career I should choose. Right now, I’m a software developer in an agency. But I don’t enjoy the simple tasks, I always crave something hard and challenging. I want to smash a few things out of the box because I never wanted to settle for a simple job. It should be something that gives me independence.

Photo by Dev Asangbam on Unsplash

The Pursuit of Happiness

Let’s get back to the point: “Are we really happy?” Ask yourself, are you? If I look at myself and whatever I do, do I really like what I do? Do we love our job? Don’t we aggressively run towards our home at 6:30 pm? It’s not a bad habit, but the point I’m trying to highlight is, do you love the work that you do?

Loving What You Do

Well, I do enjoy my job. That’s why I have small dark circles and deepened eyes because I spend a lot of time in front of my laptop. I love coding every day. Why don’t we make it simple? What needs to be more simple? Yes, this is the right question to ask ourselves: what more can we make simple?

It’s About Happiness

It’s all about happiness. You won’t be happy after getting a car, bike, or a trip. Everything will be the same after a few days. You won’t be happy after marrying some random person. It’s not like that. You just need to love the job that you do.

The Secret to Fulfillment

Someone once said, “If you want to be happy, just love your job/work. You won’t feel like you’re working even a single day.” I really love this quote because I’m not sure about the future, but for now, I’m totally in love with what I do. I usually find new things to learn and explore so that I can keep myself busy with things related to tech.

Reflecting on True Happiness

The secret to true happiness lies not in external achievements but in the joy we find in our daily activities. Loving what you do brings a sense of fulfillment that external rewards cannot match. It’s the passion for our work that keeps us going, even through the mundane tasks.


Are we really happy? It’s a question worth pondering. If you find joy in your work, if you wake up excited about the day ahead, then you’ve found a key to happiness. Love your job, and the rest will follow. For now, I’m content with my journey, constantly learning and growing, and finding happiness in every line of code I write.

