Overthinking Was Killing Alex

Gurpreet Kait
3 min readMay 30, 2024


Once upon a time, a young man named Alex lived in a busy city. Alex was smart, good with technology, and always overthinking things. Among his friends, there was a girl named Lily. Lily was bright and cheerful, making everyone around her happy. She was friendly with everyone, and Alex was one of her closest friends.

Their friendship was strong, built on late-night talks and shared secrets. But people around them often misunderstood their closeness and thought they were a couple. Alex liked Lily more than a friend, but he never told her.

Lily’s friendly nature was both good and bad. She talked to everyone, even those Alex didn’t like. Alex thought those people had bad intentions and didn’t deserve her kindness. His mind was always busy with negative thoughts about them. He couldn’t understand why Lily, so kind and pure, would talk to them.

Alex’s overthinking became a problem. He worried too much about what others thought of Lily. He wanted to protect her from their judgments, but his protectiveness turned into possessiveness. Lily saw this as him trying to control her, not protect her.

One day, Alex thought about hacking into the lives of the people Lily talked to, to find out their true intentions. But he knew it was wrong and didn’t do it. He didn’t want to lose Lily’s trust.

A mutual friend, Mark, noticed Alex’s struggle. One evening, Mark invited Alex for a drink. They talked, and Mark shared his thoughts.

“Alex, I see how you care about Lily,” Mark said gently. “But you’re letting your fears take over. She’s not like that.”

Alex sighed. “I don’t get how she can be so open with everyone. Don’t they talk bad about her?”

Mark nodded. “People will always talk. But Lily isn’t defined by their words. She’s strong. She knows who she is and doesn’t need your protection. She needs your trust.”

Mark’s words hit home for Alex. He realized his love for Lily had become a cage for both of them. He had to let go of his fears and trust her.

But it was hard. Despite Mark’s advice, Alex found himself falling back into old habits. He watched Lily from afar, his mind racing with doubts. He wanted to trust her, but the doubts lingered.

One evening, while walking in the park, Lily turned to Alex. “Alex, I care about you. But I need you to understand that I can’t live under your fears. I need to be free to be myself, to talk to whoever I want.”

Alex nodded. “I know, Lily. I’m trying.”

She smiled sadly. “I believe you. Remember, love isn’t about control. It’s about trust.”

As they parted that evening, Alex knew he had a long way to go. It wouldn’t be easy to stop overthinking, but he had to try. For their friendship and for his own peace, he needed to learn to trust.

In the end, Alex learned that true love is about trust and respect, not control. It was a hard journey, but he knew it was worth it. Their friendship, built on trust, was strong enough to withstand the world’s whispers.

