The Boy with the Bicycle and the Girl with Big Choices

Gurpreet Kait
3 min readMay 27, 2024


In a small town lived a boy named Arjun. He was bright, determined, and deeply passionate about technology. Arjun had dropped out of college to pursue his interest in business, starting as a freelance coder building websites. However, life’s circumstances pushed him to look for a job, which was tough without a degree in India. Despite the odds, he eventually landed a position as a web developer at a tech company.

Everything was new for Arjun in the corporate world, and he learned quickly about trust and workplace dynamics. A few months into his job, a girl named Priya joined the office. Priya was cute, and Arjun fell for her from the moment he saw her. As they sat together, they got to know each other better. Priya saw Arjun as a good friend, but for Arjun, it was more than just friendship.

Priya was beautiful, seven years older than Arjun, and came from a well-off family. Arjun, in contrast, came from a modest background. He loved his minimalistic lifestyle, often seen riding his new Ranger bicycle around town. Despite their differences, Arjun admired Priya not just for her looks but for her kind nature.

One evening, after office hours, Arjun mustered the courage to express his feelings to Priya at a coffee cafe. His heart pounded as he told her how he felt. Priya listened patiently but compared Arjun to her friends. “Arjun, you are a good boy,” she said gently, “but you are a very common guy. I have different expectations. I want someone who is smart, a gentleman, and can provide for me in ways you might not be able to.” Her words felt like a dagger to Arjun’s heart. He felt small, like a child being lectured by someone much older. Priya, despite her small stature, had towering expectations.

Heartbroken, Arjun questioned his fate but accepted that perhaps this was what destiny had in store for him. That night, in a rare moment of despair, he drank and sent Priya numerous messages, pouring out his feelings. Priya, however, didn’t take them seriously, treating them as just another chat.

In the following days, Arjun distanced himself emotionally. He saw Priya in a new light — someone who enjoyed

attention and fun, often at the expense of others. Arjun wasn’t like that, and their dynamic shifted to that of mere colleagues.

A Glass Cannot Be In The Same Condition After Getting Broken; The Same Goes For Friendship After Falling in Love with Someone. You cannot maintain a friendship when you’ve expected something more.

Despite his heartbreak, Arjun didn’t let rejection crush him. Instead, he channeled his energy into his passion for technology. He spent countless hours learning, coding, and building software. His determination paid off, and some of his projects became quite successful.

Years went by, and Arjun’s hard work began to shine. He started his own tech company and gained recognition in the industry. He was invited for interviews, and his story of perseverance and innovation inspired many.

One day, Priya, now married and struggling with her life, came across an interview featuring Arjun. She saw the confident, successful man he had become. Memories of their past and her choice flooded back to her. She couldn’t help but feel a pang of regret.

She remembered the young boy on his Ranger bicycle, who loved her with all his heart and had a passion that burned bright. She realized that she had overlooked the essence of true potential and character. Now, stuck in a difficult marriage, Priya felt the weight of her decisions.

Arjun, on the other hand, was content. He had built a life on his terms, proving that success isn’t just about where you come from but about the fire inside you. He continued to grow his company, inspire others, and live a life of purpose.

This story is a reminder that life is unpredictable. Choices made today can echo through the years. Arjun’s journey from a heartbroken boy to a successful entrepreneur shows that with dedication and hard work, one can rise above any challenge. Priya’s story serves as a lesson that external appearances and backgrounds aren’t everything; sometimes, the most valuable qualities are those hidden beneath the surface.

— A Fiction

